Selasa, 06 September 2016

0821-8388-8882(SIMPATI), World Pop Travel Tour In Cambodia, Travel And Tour World Kolkata, World Tour & Travel Limited

World Pop Travel Tour In Cambodia, Travel And Tour World Kolkata, World Tour & Travel Limited, Travel And Tour World Overport, Tour World Pro Travel, Travel Quiz World Tour 3 Answers, Travel Quiz World Tour 2 Answers, Travel Quiz World Tour 2, Travel Quiz World Tour 3, Tour Travel World Reviews

Indah Tamara Travel and Tours strives to become the leading player in the field

of customized travel through Malaysia.
Our team members are continuously developing their skills to ensure our

customers’ are serviced to their full satisfaction.
Indah Tamara Travel and Tours aims to become the travel agency of first choice

for journeys and travel through Malaysia and worldwide.

Our Packages :
1. Indonesia Tour Packages
2. Singapore Tour Packages
3. Filipina Tour Packages
4. Malaysia Tour Packages
5. Thailand Tour Packages

Contact :
Komp.Ruko Puri Legenda Blok C3 No.7,Batam Center, Batam - Indonesia
Tlp Kantor : +62778 8096033| +62778 8096519 08218388882(SIMPATI)
Tour : +62821 7411 3333 | Pin BB: 2BA90FFE
Tour : +6281221611110 | Pin BB: 2BA8D5C9
Ticketing : +628127706441 | PIN BB : 2B49CAC9
URGENT CALL : 082183888882 | PIN BB : 7635BE9A
Skype : indahtamara.bth |YM: indahtamara_bth

By    :Bpk Noverdian